Two years ago I convinced my husband to create a somewhat large garden in our backyard. It was a huge project that ended up being very costly but, like every project I tackle, I had an end result in mind and that kept me going with it.
Today, the garden is a pride and joy for our family, neighbors and friends. I call it my backyard retreat. My husband calls it his "farm." We grow both vegetables and flowers in the garden; there is a sitting area and the kids love the feel of the tiny, smooth rocks we used for the pathways. We still have a ways to go before it's all done--actually, I think it will always be a work in progress.
Believe it or not, I'm a new gardener and never tended to a garden before the one I have now but it has been so much fun and full of new experiences.
It's interesting how the garden has been a gift for our family--it is something we can work on together, talk about, be proud of, fuss over, etc.
I hope you have special things planned to do with the ones you love this summer.
Enjoy and don't forget to stop and experience nature.