Friday, June 12, 2009

10 Things We Can Learn From Michelle Obama

I'm a huge fan of Michelle Obama—I bet no surprise there. Anyhow, when I saw the June 1, 2009 issue of TIME Magazine with America's first African American First Lady on the cover, I had to get a copy. “The Meaning of Michelle,” proved to be like many other write ups about the first lady that try to get inside her head and take a best guess at what she means when she speaks.

Apart from her rocky start when she first joined her husband on the campaign trail during his run for president, the first lady has been pretty consistent in her words and deeds. Here are ten things that are true to who she is and what she believes:

1. Be yourself
The beautiful thing about Mrs. Obama is that it is plain to see that she is comfortable in her own skin and is not trying to be anyone else. Sure she now has to watch what she says but there's nothing fake about what she says or how she acts. She believes that a key to success is knowing who you are and going after what YOU define as success.

2. Let go of expectations/preconceived notions
She has said time and time again that she never dreamed of becoming the first lady of the United States someday, unlike many wives of mainstream politicians. This comes a bit easier because she had no idea what to expect nor did she pay close attention to previous occupants of the White House.

3. Be open to new things
Because she never dreamed that she would ever become first lady, Mrs. Obama is allowing herself to be open for whatever comes with the territory. In the beginning when her husband chose to become a public servant, she had a difficult time with it but at some point she decided to stop wishing they would have the normal family life she dreamed of. She accepted life as it was and moved on to making the best of it, just as she's doing now as first lady.

4. Work hard to achieve your goals
Everyone who either knows her well or has worked with her knows that Michelle is a hard worker—she gives everything 110%. In fact, not everyone appreciates her work ethics. She's hard on herself and tends to hold others to her high standards as well. She can be a driver that way.

5. Give back to the community
Although she has been blessed with a great education and wonderful opportunities, she never looses sight of where she came from and of those struggling around her. She left a lucrative corporate position to work in the public sector where she was able to work with disadvantaged individuals. She speaks often about the importance to volunteer and has been out and about in the Washington D.C. neighborhood doing just that.

6. Find work that's meaningful to you
Some scolded her and thought she was a fool for leaving corporate but she wanted the kind of work that she felt was more meaningful to her. Being of service to people and being a part of change is meaningful to Mrs. Obama and that's how she plans to spend her years in the White House.

7. Build and maintain a network of support
She has said this many times and the media has confirmed that she brought her closest friends and confidantes with her to Washington. She is a loyal friend, appreciates and rewards loyalty and believes in the “paying it forward” concept as well.

8. Make your own rules
When it feels good and comfortable, she goes with it. She's not one to try and fit a round peg in a square hole. She is doing things that none of her predecessors have done and is not bothered by so-called experts and historians—she's making her own history.

9. Wear what you like
There's the story about her trip to England to meet the Queen. A well-known fashion designer claimed that it was a disaster that Michelle chose to wear a sweater top because 'nobody wears that to meet the Queen'. Guess what? She did wear a sweater top and caused a media frenzy and everybody loved it. She's confident about who she is and the way she looks and feels. Once she dresses, all that comes through—fabulosity.

10. Have a blast every chance you get
The TIME article mentioned that 'she looks like she's having a good time'. She works hard but also knows how to party. Life is short. You know what they say—all work and no play... And I hear that she got the moves too!

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